Hi, I'm Matthew Nienow
A software engineer from Duluth, MN

Contact Info

NPM Libraries I maintain


A dev utility that adds a temporary font picker to your website, in order to try out different fonts. It allows choosing any Google Font.

github demo

Astro Font Picker

Similar to Fontable, but it’s an integration to the Astro Dev Toolbar.


Standard Notes Extension API

An easier-to-use API for writing Standard Note Plugins. Standard Notes is a privacy-focused note-taking app.


My Personal Projects

Offering Inspiration

A gift idea site based on successful Kickstarter projects.

Uses historical kickstarter data that was filtered to only include successful and purchasable products.



Winner of the Fantom Hackathon Q2 2023

A cloud computing platform, powered by blockchain. Run your own Stable Diffusion or Docker servers by renting NFTs, and paying with crypto. The application state is completely managed on the blockchain, while the servers are provisioned by AWS.

github video

Micro Storage

Entered into the Chainlink Constellation Hackathon

A cloud storage platform that uses NFTs to manage subscriptions. It uses Chainlink Functions to synchronize the blockchain with the centralized backend server, Chainlink Automation to terminate expired subscriptions, and Chainlink Price Feeds to allow users to pay in multiple currencies.

github video

Snowrunner Save Editor

A save editor for the game Snowrunner. Has the ability to edit task and mission progress, and reveal or obtain upgrades.


Standard Notes Plugins, Themes, and Guides

I’m a big fan of Privacy. Standard Notes is a privacy-focused note-taking app. So I’ve been supporting them by creating plugins, themes, and guides.

Demos of my Standard Notes Plugins

Cosmos Plugin

Splits a note into multiple areas, and each area can use a different editor. Also includes an extension marketplace.

Excalidraw Plugin

A drawing editor for Standard Notes, powered by Excalidraw.

Mermaid Plugin

A diagram generator for Standard Notes, powered by Mermaid.

Quill Extension

A lightweight rich text editor for Standard Notes, powered by Quilljs.

Overcast Theme

A simple grayscale theme for Standard Notes.

Standard Notes Extension API

An easier-to-use API for writing Standard Note Extensions. github

Standard Notes Extension Template

A starter template for creating Standard Notes Extensions.

Standard Notes Guides

  1. Installing Extensions
  2. Creating Standard Notes Extensions